1) Hateful conduct (Such as bigotry or harassment) is not tolerated at any point on our servers (This includes all variations of the N-word).
2) NSFW/NSFL content is not allowed under any circumstances.
3) Bypassing punishments for yourself or other community members is strictly forbidden.
4) Respect everyone in the community (Including the community itself). If you don't want to be here, leave. If you dislike someone, block them.
5) Act responsibly at all times. This is a shared space that others are using as well.
2) NSFW/NSFL content is not allowed under any circumstances.
3) Bypassing punishments for yourself or other community members is strictly forbidden.
4) Respect everyone in the community (Including the community itself). If you don't want to be here, leave. If you dislike someone, block them.
5) Act responsibly at all times. This is a shared space that others are using as well.
1) Do not teamkill (D-class on D-class is allowed).
2) Do not purposely prolong the round (This includes camping).
3) Micspam is only allowed in proximity (Human) chat.
4) Do not kill disarmed players.
5) Usage of cheats, exploits or 3rd party software to gain an advantage is strictly prohibited. This includes ghosting.
6) Do not reveal hidden badges (Server staff, Global staff, or donators) to other players.
2) Do not purposely prolong the round (This includes camping).
3) Micspam is only allowed in proximity (Human) chat.
4) Do not kill disarmed players.
5) Usage of cheats, exploits or 3rd party software to gain an advantage is strictly prohibited. This includes ghosting.
6) Do not reveal hidden badges (Server staff, Global staff, or donators) to other players.